Sunday, June 14, 2009

"Not you fat Jesus..."

And so, Hell Week 2 begins. Four exams, a quiz, and a speech. But after this, I am DONE...sort of. I'll still be taking classes, but it'll be much more relaxed than it has been over the past month and a half. I'll also finally be able to change my major. I am ready to finally kick some ass in school.

It was my friend's birthday on Friday, the lame 2-0. I mean, what's really that exciting about turning 20? Absolutely nothing. You're in that awkward stage where you're not a teenager any more but you're not considered an actual adult yet. Regardless, you still feel kinda old. I don't even want to think about my 20th birthday. I have just over a month until it comes and I'm not exactly looking forward to it. It'll just pass like another day come and gone.

Anyway, we went to dinner and a movie last night to celebrate. Toward the end of the dinner the wait staff started walking toward us, clapping and singing and we got all excited, embarrassing our poor friend...only for them to stop at another table. It was funny, but slightly depressing. But they came back later for a friend so all was well. After dinner we went to see The Hangover. I don't think I have laughed so hard for so long in my life. I originally didn't want to see it because I was afraid that I was going to be reminded of the guys that I try to avoid when I go out, but I was pleasantly surprised. The movie was awesome. Everything about it was funny. Granted, I can laugh at almost anything. A friend of mine said the word pudding once and I laughed for a good 15 minutes straight. But this was legitimately funny. Easily one of the funniest, if not the funniest movie, I have ever seen HANDS DOWN. I’d go watch it again and I don’t say that a lot because I’m broke.

Tonight I’m going to watch the NBA Finals – Game 5 (I’m not going to comment because everytime I say something about this series I get extremely frustrated) at a friend’s apartment and then maybe after that I’ll watch the True Blood Season 2 premiere. I LOVE True Blood. I’ve kinda always had thing for Vampires, was before Twilight and all that jazz. This show is awesome. It’s got your sex, drugs, and violence…AND vampires. It’s absolutely perfect. And they ended last season on a huge cliffhanger. I definitely recommend watching True Blood on HBO, Sundays at 9pm.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

90% of Americans lose their virginity by age 22...

It’s been a week since my last blog. Trying not to post too much about how boring my life has been. Last weekend I went to Orlando to vacation with my family. I hadn’t seen them in almost three months so it was really nice. We stayed at the Hilton Grand Vacations Club near Sea World. The weekend pretty much consisted of good fun, shopping, and chill time. My mom spent way too much money on me and I felt really bad. Like, I got a new purse, two new pairs of shoes, some books, and a lot of clothes to wear to the gym. I ended up buying a classic pair of shell-top addidas and two dresses. The lady at the store tried to get me to buy a whole outfit to match my shoes. She was nuts. I came so close to buying another purse. They were on SALE!! God thing I’m trying to lose weight, otherwise I’d be shopping up a storm. I loved seeing my family. My relationship with my mom has gotten so much better since I’ve been in college. I loved seeing my dad, trying to rock his new bald do. And my sister…at 15 she thinks she’s hot shit. And honestly, she’s a lot “cooler” than I was when I was her age. As annoying as she can be, I enjoyed spending time with her too. I still miss my Grandma.

This week hasn’t been too bad. But for whatever reason, I’ve been really really stressed. I feel more and more pressured to do well as the summer goes on. I really need a turnaround in my life. I just want to be free of stress and live freely…but that’s never going to happen so I just need to suck it up and get over it. Next week is another hell week. Four exams and a speech. But after that, I will be much more at ease.

Peace and hair grease.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Don't Stop Believin'...

The week from hell is officially over! My exams are finished (not necessarily with As but at least they're done) and my bills are paid. Life is least until Monday. I'll give a little recap as to how my weekend went. Let's see...a friend was supposed to pick me up on Saturday after work. I got off at 11pm. He told me that he'd be there and that it wasn't a big deal to him. 11pm rolled around and I received no word from him. I decided to wait a little (I was watching the game anyway) to call. I called him at 11:20 and he said he was on his way. Midnight rolled around and he was still nowhere to be found. I called again and he said that he fell asleep and that he was sorry and that he was really leaving this time. 12:30 comes and I still don't see him. I called another friend and she came and picked me up. I haven't been that angry at a friend in a LOOOONG time. I know that he was tired and whatever, but I was outside at 12:30am by myself waiting for him. All he had to do was tell me he was too tired to come get me and that I should find someone else. I'm still annoyed that it happened, but I can't be mad at him for long. He's already done so much for me.

I had and exam everyday Monday-Thursday so all I did this week was study/cram. No gym. No movies. No life. It was pretty sad. Everyone thinks that I'm crazy for takinf as many classes as I am at one time, but it isn't TOO bad. Besides, only two more weeks of this hell and then I should be fine.

This weekend I'm meeting up with my family in Orlando for some vacation time so I'll finally get to relax. So excited.

Ta Ta for now,. Power nap then class.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

You look good without makeup...

I get the feeling that the next six days are going to make me want to wish I got stuck in the 8th grade however many years ago, forever. Back when there were no responsibilities and my biggest worry was trying to convince my parents to let me go to a late movie. This coming week it'll be painfully obvious that I'm no longer a child. With four exams back to back and my rent due this week, I feel like adulthood is ready to tear me apart. And so, hell week begins. And I'm off to a great start. To my dismay, I was woken up at 7:20 this morning. It was a co-worker. I was supposed to be at work at 7. And now I'm behind the desk with and empty stomach, a broken laptop, and a crap-ton of studying to do.

You know those times when something goes wrong, but it sucks enough to make you want to complain about EVERYTHING that isn't right in your life? Like even those little trivial things that don't really make that much of a difference? Yeah, I feel like that right now. So I'm going to stop writting before this becomes a "FML. I hate my life Blog". Be back in a few hours when I don't feel like I want to kill someone.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Memorial Day weekend is a time for friends, BBQ, and fun in the water. Unfortunately for me, I didn't take advantage of the good weather when I should have. I never made it to the pool and the nearest beach is two hours away. However, all was not lost. After class on Friday (I had an exam *gag*), I went to my friend's place where we at some strange concoction that he made. I didn't want to eat it, but it wasn't so bad. Afterward we went to Friday's for some real food and then Ben and Jerry's for dessert. I swear I had enough calories for the week. Then we went to a party that our mutual friend was throwing in the apartment above mine. It would have been so much fun had I not had work at 7am the next morning. The day was okay, except I had to work an extra hour...blah blah blah. Another friend picked me up and we watched Iron Man with some other friends. It was good, or at least the parts I saw were. I ended up falling asleep for a bit of it. She had some bf issues so she had to bail on the slumber party. A few of my girlfriends got together for margaritas, junk food, and Twilight. Oh Patty, how you make me swoon. Kellan is not bad either. Sunday was work again and another party. Today, no pool or beach, but I saw both Night at the Museum movies. The first one was good, but the second one was hilarious! I felt like an idiot laughing the entire time but I couldn't help myself.

Now I'm blogging instead of sleeping, even though I have to be up in less than 5 hours. Whatevs. This post was très boring, but I'll get better, I swear.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

no such thing as a stupid question?

blog - (blŏg) n. an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page; also called a weblog, web log

I'm not really sure what I want to accomplish with this blog. I guess I just plan on talking about whatever I want. Maybe I'll write about the new movie release I just saw (which was Star Trek, btw. FABULOUS!!) or an album I just heard. Maybe I'll go shopping and rant about the annoying sales lady who insisted that I buy an extra item in the store to take advantage of the sale (the most evil four letter word) or just talk about how I bought whatever it is anyway and how cute it is. Or perhaps I'll talk about my wonderful life (right.)... Whether it be shopping, food, friends, movies, magazines, or whatever is on my mind, I plan to 'blog' at least twice a week to anyone that'll read. For now, I guess I'll just post a few random blurbs here and there. Hopefully I'll get a chance to meet and talk to some new and exciting people and I can put those encounters on here. We'll see.
